WEBINAR. 21st Century Skills

ISTF, February 16, 2022

The “21st Century Skills in Science Teachingwebinar is designed to help teachers make SEL (social-emotional learning) part of their science class. We’ll explain why SEL matters and how to teach 21st Century Skills through concrete, practical examples and projects you can include in your science class. Join us!


This 45-minute webinar discusses the importance of SEL (social-emotional learning) and how to expand learning objectives from knowledge to skills and attitude in science class and better prepare your students for the future. 

After these two tough years, we propose some simple and easy ways to empower students and bring SEL into your classroom with some practical projects and best practices. Learn how, even with limited resources, you can help students to thrive today and prepare them with the skills and attitude they need to be successful in tomorrow’s job market.

  • SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) and 21st Century Skills made simple
  • How to implement SEL with the Clover model
  • Why the shift from fact to skill based science teaching is key to success
  • Some easy to action SEL projects and best practises for your classroom

Request access and we’ll email you a link to watch the webinar on demand
Learn why SEL matters and how to teach 21st Century Skills in your science class

*Having trouble with the form? Please contact us [email protected]


Presented by Jaclyn Sarnese

Jaclyn Sarnese
Master of Science in Education
Founder of elevatEd Classrooms

Jaclyn Sarnese has almost a decade of experience working in education. She started her career as a biology teacher in New Jersey, developing a biomedical sciences magnet program within her first few years. Jaclyn pursued an M.S. Ed in education policy from the University of Pennsylvania, which has fueled her drive to advocate for increased support for teachers through policy and high-quality professional learning.

Brought to you by elevatEd Classrooms and the International Science Teaching Foundation (ISTF).

The ISTF is a non-profit organization committed to improving STEM education, headquartered in London and Barcelona. The ISTF is formed by more than 30 scientists, educators and experts who work tirelessly to improve science teaching worldwide.

elevatEd Classrooms provides educational consulting and professional development services to K-12 schools, districts, and other youth-serving organizations. We empower Educators with teaching strategies to elevate their classrooms from surviving to thriving and impact the Whole Educational Community.

Creating Teachable Moments with Dr. Rodger Bybee

The International Science Teaching Foundation and its project Science Bits was honored by the presence of the renowned American pedagogue Rodger W. Bybee, the director of the team that created the 5E instructional model.

Projects for Teaching Science and Math

The goal of the Science Bits and Math Bits projects is to provide teachers with resources and tools that promote high-quality science and math education. These resources are grounded in research on science and math teaching, as well as cognitive psychology.

researchED Pamplona: The Day’s Highlights

On November 8, 2024, the Public University of Navarre (UPNA) hosted researchED Pamplona, the premier international event on educational research and practice. The conference was organized by the International Science Teaching Foundation, in collaboration with the Aprender-Ikasi Chair of the Public University of Navarre (UPNA) and San Cernin School.

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